5 (3 المراجعات)
From:SAR 900 SAR 810
(3 وجهات النظر)
عدد الأيام

5 days 4 nights

نوع السياحة

السايحة اليومية

عدد السياح

100 شخص


جميع اللغات

عن هذه الرحلة

تستكشفون في هذه الجولة عن جمال سريلانكا الذي لا يترك من زارها إلا جذبه وأعجبه, بدء من مدينة كاندي العريقة التقافية التاريخية تتوجهون إلى شواطئ بنتوتا الهادئة كي تستمتعوا بالسفاري البحري والفعاليات الأخرى, أخيرا تزورون كولومبو عاصمة سريلانكا زيارة لأحيائها المحاطة بالبحر والمناظر الخلابة. ففي هذه الجولة الممتعة لا نختار لكم إلا المزارات الطبيعة والثقافية والحضارية والتراثية كي تكون ذكرى مؤبدة في حياتكم.

أمور مهمة

  • 1N Kandy, 2N Bentota, 1N Colombo
  • زيارة حديقة الأفيال في بيناوالا
  • زيارة معبد دالادا ماليجاوي بكاندي
  • الفعاليات المائية في بانتوتا
  • جولة مدنية في كولومبو

ما يشتمل العرض وما لا

  • الفنادق مع الفطور
  • سيارة خاصة مكيفة مع سائق
  • زيارة المزارات
  • جميع الضرائب
  • تذكرة الخطوط
  • التأشيرة
  • رسومات الدخول والتذاكر
  • الحوائج الشخصية


  • Airport arrival and immigration process (approx. 40 mins)
  • Welcoming by our office representative and transfer to Kandy
  • Enroute stop at Pinnawala
  • Experience a spice garden tour and partake in Ayurvedic therapy
  • Visit the Temple of the Tooth Relic, Art & Craft Center, Gem & Jewelry Museum, Silk & Batik Center in Kandy
  • Enjoy a captivating cultural dancing show in Kandy
  • Overnight stay at a hotel in Kandy

  • Departure to Bentota after breakfast
  • Engage in exciting water activities in Bentota
  • Experience fish therapy in the Madu River
  • Embark on a boat safari
  • Explore a turtle hatchery
  • Overnight accommodation at a hotel in Bentota

  • Hotel breakfast
  • Explore Galle Fort
  • Visit Rumassala Hill
  • Stop by a Turtle Hatchery
  • Discover Hikkaduwa Corals Sanctuary
  • Overnight stay at the hotel in Bentota

  • Departure for Colombo post-breakfast
  • Engage in a comprehensive city tour and sightseeing in Colombo
  • Explore shopping opportunities in Colombo
  • Unwind and relax at Galle Face Green
  • Overnight accommodation at a hotel in Colombo

  • Breakfast in Hotel
  • Proceed to Airport and connect to the flight. 


جميع اللغات

موقع الجولة


(3 وجهات النظر)
جيد جدا
3 reviews on this Tour - مراجعات من 1 إلى 3
Island Escape

Good 'ole Exodus!

An interesting blend of Vietnam from north to south including an o/n sleeper train. The success and enjoyment of these trips is usually down to the blend of fellow travellers and team leader and this one was no different. The weather,early season, was mixed with a little more rain and cloud than hoped for but did not detract from the enjoyment but a little more sunshine would have enhanced the countryside. A read of the brochure and trip notes will give a very accurate picture of the breadth and variety of the trip. The daily riding distances are mainly governed by the fitness of the participants and their ability to cover the miles in a reasonable time and for the first time in my experience of 7 trips we were delayed by some participants who frankly were not cycling fit and I wonder if they had read and understood the pre - trip advice!
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Island Escape

Excellent, probably the best yet.

This was an amazing trip. Totally fell in love with Vietnam, We did so much in such in two weeks. The cycling, somehow. only felt like a small part of the experience as there were so many other things that we did. Each day was full on, exceptionally well organised, great food, etc Been on a few cycle trips, and I think this was the best one so far
Island Escape

Fantastic Trip

I am a little late in posting a review. We returned from this trip in early March, right when everything started to close down due to Covid-19. I can tell you that the memories of this trip have kept me going while sheltering in place. If you are thinking this might be the trip for you, please know that it is very fast paced with moving from place to place almost every night was quite challenging. The cycling itself was challenging based on ones fitness level. My husband completed every kilometer, while I did about three-quarters of the cycling. A lot of it depends on the heat, but for a female in my early 50s, I found it very doable. We had the most fabulous guide and crew. I cannot say enough of about our guide Son - he was absolutely amazing - taking care of all the details while we enjoyed ourselves. There are plenty of water/snack stops with fresh fruit and amazing snacks (ginger/nuts/cookies). They take very good care of you.
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- 10%
من SAR 900 SAR 810
5 (3 المراجعات)


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